Key Challenge:
Large global telecommunications firm requested assistance to uplift the GDPR controls utilised within its Procurement and IT change services. This included verification of personal data being processed against existing RoPAs, embedding Privacy By Design considerations, uplifting contractual schedules of technical and organisation measures assigned to suppliers based on privacy risk, and establishing a new PIA methodology. Both services required control uplifts to align to the GDPR and remove manual inefficient and inconsistent control processes and procedures that were causing service delays that impacted real time support to its telecommunication of networks.
Working with the client’s legal, IT, security, procurement, and business change teams, our specialist completed a data asset and mapping exercise and created a new data flow map for the procurement service. Using this new data flow map, we redesigned and implemented privacy risk assessment and management steps within each stage of the procurement lifecycle. This included automating within the SAP procurement system, the risk assessment and assignment of technical and organisational measures for every ‘low’ and ‘medium’ rated procured item. In order to achieve this YG3 re-designed and implemented a group wide PIA methodology and supporting artefacts based on the EU Working Party 29 and CNIL methodology. This new PIA was used across the group for all change and procurement services.